Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Dear Bernard and Jenny,
Thanks for inviting me to the His Little Lighthouse facebook group.  I thought it would be appropriate for us to give you an update of how Chun Meng has fared in his first year of primary school.
After four wonderful years (N1 - K2) in His Little Lighthouse, our son was enrolled in ACS (Junior).  His transition to formal schooling was a smooth.  On returning from his first day of school, he proudly declared that he had been appointed the Class Captain by his form teacher.  He had no difficulty socialising with his schoolmates and made many new friends within a short period of time. 
Academically, he fared very well.  For most of the year it was pretty much a re-hash of what he had learnt in His Little Lighthouse.  In both the semestral reports, he was assessed as having achieved EE (Exceeding Expectations) in all areas except for two sub-topics- one in Mother-tongue and one in PE where he was aseesed as ME (Meeting Expectations).  Among other positive comments, he was described as 'Outstanding' by his form teacher in the general remarks of the report.
His performance in school was due in no small part to the four years he spent in His Little Lighthouse.  He thoroughly enjoyed himself and never once displayed any reluctance about going to school during those years.  This was in spite of the not insubstantial academic rigours placed on him.  The quality of the academic programme at His Little Lighthouse was of such a standard that we saw no need to enrol him in any other enrichment class during the four years he was there.  Even into his P1 year, there was no necessity to enrol him for any extra classes or tuition except for Chinese (we come from an English speaking environment).  
Thank you for playing such an important part in Chun Meng's pre-school years,;and doing such a great job of it as well!
Swee Tiag and Jennifer.

Little Lighthouse offered Jet a fun and conclusive environment for learning and character development. The teachers were very attentive to Jet. Jet has shown great social Skills and I'm sure this is attributed to little lighthouse. We would like to thank the teachers for their dedication and passion in providing Jet a wonderful start to his schooling life.
Tze Sing and Ai Li

I sent my daughter here because my sister-in-law had sent her daughter here previously. And she and my mother highly recommended the school not just for its dedicated and motivated teachers but for the visible results they saw in my niece. (She got into St Nicholas Girls' School and did so well she qualified and is now in the Gifted Program at Raffles Girls' School) I am truely grateful for the decision I made. I have found the teachers at His Little Lighthouse not just skilled, creative and dedicated, but deeply caring and understanding. Both my daughter, and later my son have learnt and grown so much under your patient care. My daughter has developed a true love for reading, her spelling through the use of phonics astounded me. While her father was amazed that she could read Chinese storybooks! My sticky son too is developing into a very inquisitive child and is a great deal more independent. Thank you so much for your hard work and good advice!!
Dawn Lim

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